Tool Remanufacture

The power of remanufacture should not be underestimated in the context of increasing productivity, maximising profitability and extending tool life.

At Marlor Tooling, we are able to provide a full remanufacturing service which takes tools back to their original geometry at a fraction of the cost of a new tool.

Maximising profitability

Quality tooling often requires significant investment which, at Marlor, we aim to maximise to the fullest extent.

Our advanced design and development processes can typically allow for up to twelve remanufacture cycles, helping to maximise cost-effectiveness whilst simultaneously improving the carbon footprint of any given tool.

Remanufacture is not simply regrinding. Returning a tool to its original specification ensures accuracy and significantly extends its life.

Jonathon Forsyth, Technical Director

Tool Design

We are able to design tooling to suit your equipment and process requirements, whether designing from scratch, working from an existing tool or from component or manufacturing drawings.



We can provide a whole-of-life service for the tools we design and manufacture. Optimum tooling performance is maintained throughout a tool’s lifecycle. Once tools have come to the end of their working lives they are efficiently recycled.


Find out how our expertise can help you.

Contact Marlor Tooling today for a quote or to book a free consultation.